We try to include an abundance of unusual and highly interesting specimens I hope you will take a good look, and Please ask for further images when you desire them!
Cones have long been a collectors’ favorite because of their seemingly endless variability, both between and within the 650+ (and counting!!) species in this colorful family. They are carniverous, making a living by harpooning their prey with poison-tipped radulae which paralyze prospective meals which are then “swallowed” whole, and digested at leisure. Cones occur worldwide in tropical and semi-tropical waters, and are especially diverse in the Carribean, Phillipines, Northern Australia, South and Southeast Africa, and the Cape Verde Is.
The variability within most local populations of cones is nothing short of amazing, with a wide variety of colors and patterns typically occurring at any given locality. This makes it a joy to assemble the carefully-selected series of variants (variation series) and high-contrast pairs I try to offer as often as possible. Those who purchase these sets are seldom disappointed!
(1) Conus acutangulus Lamarck, 1810....27 mm. F++. Neat specie, virtually biconic, orange-brown with white markings...Philippines...$15 (1 available)
(1) Conus acutangulus Lamarck, 1810....28 mm. F+. High spired, patterned in tan blotches with a white clouded mid-band...Philippines...$14 (1 available)
(1) Conus amadis Gmelin, 1791....71 mm. F+. Example of the all tan brown colour form, with a mid-band of white "tents"...Vietnam...$9 (1 available)
(1) Conus amadis fm. arbornatalis DaMotta, 1978....81 mm. F++. Huge specimen of this elongated and orange banded form...Thailand...$100 (1 available)
(1) Conus amadis fm. castaneofasciatus Dautzenberg, 1937....74 mm. F+. Freak specimen with oddly bulged & flared posterior lip...Thailand...$25 (1 available)
(1) Conus amadis fm. castaneofasciatus Dautzenberg, 1937....66 mm. F+. With oddly bent anterior columella, nice lip & apex...$23 (1 available)
(1) Conus amadis fm. schech Weinkauff, 1875....69 mm. F++. Spectacular, big specimen with great lip and wonderfully degenerate amadis pattern...Thailand...$65 (1 available)
(1) Conus ammiralis Linne, 1758....36 mm. F++. Neat junior specimen with pustules across the back...Philippines...$50 (1 avaialable)
(1) Conus ammiralis Linne, 1758....57 mm. F+. Good big sized classic pattern specimen...Philippines...$15 (1 available)
(1) Conus ammiralis fm. archithalassus Lightfoot, 1786....36 mm. Gem. Immaculate example of this scarce form, totally pustulose from shoulder to base...Philippines...$185 (1 available)
(1) Conus ammiralis fm. archithalassus Lightfoot, 1786....43 mm. Gem. Big specimen with perfect lip & spiral rows of pustules...Philippines...$195 (1 available)
(2) Conus ammiralis fm. archithalassus Lightfoot, 1786....43 mm. F++. Excellent examples of this form with heavily beaded raised spiral cords...Philippines...$175 (2 available)
(1) Conus araneosus Lightfoot, 1786....90 mm. F+. Jumbo specimen with partial gerontic pattern loss & great lip...India...$25 (1 available)
(2) Conus araneosus Lightfoot, 1786....82, 86 mm. F+. Nice large examples...India...$15 (2 available)
(2) Conus araneosus Lightfoot, 1786....77 mm. F+. Great bargain examples of this Bay of Bengal endemic...India...$7 (2 available)
(1) Conus araneosus Lightfoot, 1786....73 mm. F+. Nice specimen with intact, finely crenulate lip, but a touch of spire erosion...India...$6 (1 available)
(3) Conus araneosus fm. nicobaricus Hwass, 1792....57 to 67 mm. F++. Nice typically patterned examples...Philippines...$10 (3 available)
(1set) Conus arenatus Hwass, 1792....29, 32 & 35 mm. F++. Nice 3 piece pattern variation set...Philippines...$12 (1 set available)
(1) Conus arenatus Hwass, 1792....42 mm. F++. Good, chubby example with pattern of ultra-fine brown pin-points...Philippines...$7 (1 available)
(1) Conus articulatus Sowerby, 1873....24 mm. F. Interesting colour-change study specimen looses its typical broad orange pink bands on the dorsum. Lip is good but the ventral surface has a couple of scars, therefore the F grade...Philippines...$15 (1 available)
(6) Conus auger Lightfoot, 1786....49 to 57 mm. F+. Pale tan with brown speckles and 2 spiralbands of black markings. Great lips but mild apical erosion...Tanzania...$7 (6 available)
(2) Conus auger Lightfoot, 1786....60, 61 mm. F+. Massive, fully adult examples, pastel yellow with twin brown bands & lots of rows of tiny specks. Spires are slightly eroded...Tanzania...$8 (2 available)
(1) Conus auger Lightfoot, 1786....57 mm. F++. Good, big, example with 2 bold dark brown bands...Tanzania...$8 (1 available)
(2) Conus auger Lightfoot, 1786....52, 50 mm. F++. Good examples with 2 broad black bands of blotches & fine pinpoints...Tanzania...$7 (2 available)
(1) Conus aulicus Linne, 1758....112 mm. F++. Large, lovely, boldly tented example with intact, finely crenulate lip...Tanzania...$16 (1 available)
(1) Conus aulicus Linne, 1798....90 mm. F++. Lovely patterned example with finely dentate lip virtually intact...Philippines...$11 (1 available)
(1) Conus aulicus Linne, 1758....107 mm. F++. Glorious specimen with fine tented pattern and excellent lip...East Africa...$16 (1 available)
(1) Conus aulicus Linne, 1758....118 mm. F+. Good and big, with a pattern of just a few giant tents on the dorsum...Tanzania...$20 (1 available)
(1) Conus aulicus Linne, 1758....111 mm. F++. Sweet specimen, deep red-brown with lots of tiny pinkish tents...Tanzania...$16 (1 available)
(1) Conus aulicus Linne, 1758....100 mm. F++. Lovely pink tented example with mahogany brown background...Tanzania...$12 (1 available)
(1) Conus aulicus Linne, 1758....101 mm. F++. Superb specimen ! Nice & big, with perfect, unfiled, finely beaded lip & no scars. Would be gem but for a little apical erosion...Philippines...$23 (1 available)
(1) Conus aureus Hwass, 1792....68 mm. F++. Glorious jumbo specimen with fine pattern and no scars...Philippines...$70 (1 available)
(1) Conus aureus Hwass, 1792....58 mm. Gem-. Glorious specimen with complete protoconch and finely crenulate lip...Philippines...$60 (1 available)