As shells go, the Volutes have it ALL (ok – they sometimes aren’t as shiny as certain over – hyped cyp-things!) any color you like, patterns to burn, splendidly variable and attractive shapes, great sculpture in some lucky genera, and quite decent prices to top it all off (the family is currently not as popular as it once was, which is beneficial to those not oozing legal tender!) Most species are gratifyingly variable, making for good, solid sets and pairs which definitely display better than most. So, go ahead, make my day (and yours!) and try some!

....41379...(1)...Zidona dufresnei Donaovan, 1823....125 mm. F+. Good example, live taken and glossy, but with a small anterior chip on an otherwise great lip...Argentina...$22
....41379...(1)...Zidona dufresnei Donaovan, 1823....125 mm. F+. Good example, live taken and glossy, but with a small anterior chip on an otherwise great lip...Argentina...$22

....3452...(1)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....53 mm. F++. Lovely, fully adult dwarf...Austalia...$27 (1 available)
....3452...(1)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....53 mm. F++. Lovely, fully adult dwarf...Austalia...$27 (1 available)

....28134...(1)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....54 mm. F+ to F++. Mid sized example of this formerly rare specie...Australia...SPECIAL!!...$10 (1 available)
....28134...(1)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....54 mm. F+ to F++. Mid sized example of this formerly rare specie...Australia...SPECIAL!!...$10 (1 available)

....35250...(1)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....54 mm. F++. Semi-dwarf specimen with good lip & complete protoconch...Australia..$15 (1 available)
....35250...(1)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....54 mm. F++. Semi-dwarf specimen with good lip & complete protoconch...Australia..$15 (1 available)

....18906...(1)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....62 mm. F+. . What you might call grossi marked-down (but still nice!!) specimen...Australia...$15 (1 available)
....18906...(1)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....62 mm. F+. . What you might call grossi marked-down (but still nice!!) specimen...Australia...$15 (1 available)

....5964...(1pr)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....57 - 65 mm. F+/F++. Contrasting pair: one colorful form, one more plain one...Australia...$38 (1 pair available)
....5964...(1pr)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....57 - 65 mm. F+/F++. Contrasting pair: one colorful form, one more plain one...Australia...$38 (1 pair available)

....18870...(4)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....62 to 67 mm. F+ solid. Decent specimens of a classic species - for a splenid price!!...Australia...$26 (4 available)
....18870...(4)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....62 to 67 mm. F+ solid. Decent specimens of a classic species - for a splenid price!!...Australia...$26 (4 available)

....5963...(1)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....67 mm. F++. Tan & orange mottled with faint brownish bands - nice!...Australia...$24 new price (1 available)
....5963...(1)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....67 mm. F++. Tan & orange mottled with faint brownish bands - nice!...Australia...$24 new price (1 available)

....28133...(3)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....61 to 68 mm. F+ to F++. Nice sized, quality specimens...Australia...$15 (3 available)
....28133...(3)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....61 to 68 mm. F+ to F++. Nice sized, quality specimens...Australia...$15 (3 available)

....18868...(2)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....67 to 68 mm. F++ solid. Great richly coloured specimens with orange brown dorsal glaze...Australia...$33 (2 available)
....18868...(2)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....67 to 68 mm. F++ solid. Great richly coloured specimens with orange brown dorsal glaze...Australia...$33 (2 available)

....18871...(1pr)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....63 to 69 mm. F++. Good contrast pairs - nice display!...Australia...$70 (1 pair available)
....18871...(1pr)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....63 to 69 mm. F++. Good contrast pairs - nice display!...Australia...$70 (1 pair available)

....28132...(1)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....71 mm. F+ solid. BIGGIE example with great lip but a slight ventral scar...Australia...$39 (1 available)
....28132...(1)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....71 mm. F+ solid. BIGGIE example with great lip but a slight ventral scar...Australia...$39 (1 available)

....18869...(1)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....72 mm. F+ high. Just a small lip problem. Dorsum superb!! BIG!! Splendid pattern, a stand-out specimen...Australia...$25 (1 available)
....18869...(1)...Volutoconus grossi Iredale, 1927....72 mm. F+ high. Just a small lip problem. Dorsum superb!! BIG!! Splendid pattern, a stand-out specimen...Australia...$25 (1 available)

....41713...(1)...Volutoconus bednalli Brazier, 1878....79 mm. F. Decent sub-adult starter specimen, with thin, rough lip but a great dorsal display of the classic pattern...Indonesia...$65 (1 available)
....41713...(1)...Volutoconus bednalli Brazier, 1878....79 mm. F. Decent sub-adult starter specimen, with thin, rough lip but a great dorsal display of the classic pattern...Indonesia...$65 (1 available)

....27094...(1)...Volutoconus bednalli Brazier, 1878....96 mm. F++. Beautiful classic pattern and full, thickened lip, so it's not juvenile!...Indonesia...$195 (1 available)
....27094...(1)...Volutoconus bednalli Brazier, 1878....96 mm. F++. Beautiful classic pattern and full, thickened lip, so it's not juvenile!...Indonesia...$195 (1 available)

....30889...(1)...Volutoconus bednalli Brazier, 1878....124 mm. F+ high - quite nice. Delightful specimen with typical pattern and thick & rounded adult lip...Indonesia...$200 (1 available) OVERSIZE
....30889...(1)...Volutoconus bednalli Brazier, 1878....124 mm. F+ high - quite nice. Delightful specimen with typical pattern and thick & rounded adult lip...Indonesia...$200 (1 available) OVERSIZE

....30888...(1)...Volutoconus bednalli Brazier, 1878....129 mm. F+ high. Large, delightful example...Indonesia...$220 (1 available) OVERSIZE
....30888...(1)...Volutoconus bednalli Brazier, 1878....129 mm. F+ high. Large, delightful example...Indonesia...$220 (1 available) OVERSIZE

....41620...(1)...Volutoconus bednalli Brazier, 1878....100 mm. F+. Nice bargain specimen with intact, thickened lip and a great ventral display, but a few dorsal sponge pin-holes...Indonesia...$145 (1 available)
....41620...(1)...Volutoconus bednalli Brazier, 1878....100 mm. F+. Nice bargain specimen with intact, thickened lip and a great ventral display, but a few dorsal sponge pin-holes...Indonesia...$145 (1 available)

....41712...(1)...Volutoconus bednalli Brazier, 1878....75 mm. F. Inexpensive starter specimen of this famous rarity, smaller, and with some sponge hole damage, but with lovely classic bednalli pattern ...Indonesia...$60 (1 available)
....41712...(1)...Volutoconus bednalli Brazier, 1878....75 mm. F. Inexpensive starter specimen of this famous rarity, smaller, and with some sponge hole damage, but with lovely classic bednalli pattern ...Indonesia...$60 (1 available)

....41624...(1)...Teremachia johnsoni fm. williamsorum Rehder, 1972....128 mm. F+ w/o. The China Sea form, pastel purple gray. A break on the body whorl, but with great lip and canal...Taiwan...$115 (1 available)
....41624...(1)...Teremachia johnsoni fm. williamsorum Rehder, 1972....128 mm. F+ w/o. The China Sea form, pastel purple gray. A break on the body whorl, but with great lip and canal...Taiwan...$115 (1 available)

....25087...(3)...Teramachia johnsoni Bartsch, 1942....129 to 140 mm. F+ high, nice!!. Big, fantastic specimens, purple-gray with excellent lips....Philippines...$65 (3 available)
....25087...(3)...Teramachia johnsoni Bartsch, 1942....129 to 140 mm. F+ high, nice!!. Big, fantastic specimens, purple-gray with excellent lips....Philippines...$65 (3 available)

....38381...(3)...Teremachia johnsoni Bartsch, 1942....133 to 137 mm. F+ high. Gorgeous examples in rich purple-gray, with fully intact and slightly flared, curved lips...Philippines...$95 (3 available)
....38381...(3)...Teremachia johnsoni Bartsch, 1942....133 to 137 mm. F+ high. Gorgeous examples in rich purple-gray, with fully intact and slightly flared, curved lips...Philippines...$95 (3 available)

....39117...(2)...Teremachia johnsoni Bartsch, 1942....138, 142 mm. F++. Glorious, graceful and elegant lavender-gray, with intact apex & great lips...Philippines...$85 (2 available) OVERSIZE
....39117...(2)...Teremachia johnsoni Bartsch, 1942....138, 142 mm. F++. Glorious, graceful and elegant lavender-gray, with intact apex & great lips...Philippines...$85 (2 available) OVERSIZE

....38380...(2)...Teremachia johnsoni Bartsch, 1942....146, 143 mm. F+ high. With just one or two minor growth marks on the upper whorls, these big, beautiful pastel violet-gray specimens have complete apex & fully intact, sinuous lips...Philippines...$110 (2 available)
....38380...(2)...Teremachia johnsoni Bartsch, 1942....146, 143 mm. F+ high. With just one or two minor growth marks on the upper whorls, these big, beautiful pastel violet-gray specimens have complete apex & fully intact, sinuous lips...Philippines...$110 (2 available)

....41623...(1)...Teremachia johnsoni Bartsch, 1942....150 mm. F++. Good, big specimen of the nominate form, with charcteristic olive green colour...Philippines...$95 (1 available)
....41623...(1)...Teremachia johnsoni Bartsch, 1942....150 mm. F++. Good, big specimen of the nominate form, with charcteristic olive green colour...Philippines...$95 (1 available)

....43121...(1)...Teremachia johnsoni Bartsch, 1942....162 mm. F++. Larger than average example, pastel lavender-gray and with fine lip...Philippines...$115 (1 available)
....43121...(1)...Teremachia johnsoni Bartsch, 1942....162 mm. F++. Larger than average example, pastel lavender-gray and with fine lip...Philippines...$115 (1 available)

....42647...(1)...Scaphella dubia fm. kieneri Clench, 1946....105 mm. F+. Nice mid sized example of this scarce American Volute, with a mild dorsal growth line, but a perfectly intact lip!...Gulf of Mexico...$125 (1 available)
....42647...(1)...Scaphella dubia fm. kieneri Clench, 1946....105 mm. F+. Nice mid sized example of this scarce American Volute, with a mild dorsal growth line, but a perfectly intact lip!...Gulf of Mexico...$125 (1 available)

....41810...(1)...Paramoria guntheri E. A. Smith, 1886....51 mm. F++. Great specimen of this rare specie with amazing wavy lined pattern...Australia...$140 (1 available)
....41810...(1)...Paramoria guntheri E. A. Smith, 1886....51 mm. F++. Great specimen of this rare specie with amazing wavy lined pattern...Australia...$140 (1 available)

....28551...(1)...Odontocymbiola saotomensis Calvo & Coltro, 1997....60 mm. F++. Beautiful, pastel orange specimen with just a hint of zig-zag pattern. Really, this one is a keeper!!...Brazil...$110 (1 available)
....28551...(1)...Odontocymbiola saotomensis Calvo & Coltro, 1997....60 mm. F++. Beautiful, pastel orange specimen with just a hint of zig-zag pattern. Really, this one is a keeper!!...Brazil...$110 (1 available)

....37316...(1)...Odontocymbiola saotomensis Calvo & Coltro, 1997....61.5 mm. F+ high. Good, big specimen of this fairly recently published species, with fine brown "tents" & axial lines...Brazil...$120 (1 available)
....37316...(1)...Odontocymbiola saotomensis Calvo & Coltro, 1997....61.5 mm. F+ high. Good, big specimen of this fairly recently published species, with fine brown "tents" & axial lines...Brazil...$120 (1 available)

....28593...(1)...Odontocymbiola saotomensis Calvo & Coltro, 1997....63 mm. F+ nicely - only missing the protoconch. Pastel orange-tan Volute, recently described & from restricted locality...Brazil...$95 (1 available)
....28593...(1)...Odontocymbiola saotomensis Calvo & Coltro, 1997....63 mm. F+ nicely - only missing the protoconch. Pastel orange-tan Volute, recently described & from restricted locality...Brazil...$95 (1 available)

....37313...(1pr)...Odontocymbiola americana Reeve, 1856....47 & 55 mm. F++. Extreme pattern pair, the bigger one with yellow tan background colour & almost no pattern, the other with the typical fine brown lines & triangles...Brazil...$25 (1 pair available)
....37313...(1pr)...Odontocymbiola americana Reeve, 1856....47 & 55 mm. F++. Extreme pattern pair, the bigger one with yellow tan background colour & almost no pattern, the other with the typical fine brown lines & triangles...Brazil...$25 (1 pair available)

....39146...(1)...Notovoluta verconis Tate, 1892....34 mm. Gem. Superb specimen of this rare little Volute...Australia...$60 (1 available)
....39146...(1)...Notovoluta verconis Tate, 1892....34 mm. Gem. Superb specimen of this rare little Volute...Australia...$60 (1 available)

....41809...(1)...Notovoluta verconis Tate, 1892....32 mm. F++. Great example with a band of scattered brown markings...Australia...$45 (1 available)
....41809...(1)...Notovoluta verconis Tate, 1892....32 mm. F++. Great example with a band of scattered brown markings...Australia...$45 (1 available)

....41808...(2)...Notovoluta verconis Tate, 1892....36 mm. F++. Nice, complete, larger specimens of this smaller cool water specie...Australia...$49 (2 available)
....41808...(2)...Notovoluta verconis Tate, 1892....36 mm. F++. Nice, complete, larger specimens of this smaller cool water specie...Australia...$49 (2 available)