(1) Cypraea marginalis fm. melocelata Lorenz & Wiese, 1990....29 mm. F++. With light lavender lined & spotted base & brown spotted dorsum. Big for this Gulf of Aden endemic...Somalia...$40 (1 available)

(1) Cypraea achatidea Sowerby, 1837....37 mm. Gem. Prety specimen with tan dorsal mottling and pastel orange marginal ring...Morocco...$20 (1 available)

(1) Cypraea alfredensis fm. alfredensis Shaw, 1909....22.5 mm. Gem. Spectacular fresh specimen, with lines of fine brown speckles across a blue-gray dorsum...South Africa...$90 (1 available)

(1) Cypraea alfredensis fm. alfredensis Shaw, 1909....22.8 mm. F++. Unusual example has gray dorsum without speckles or brown blotch...South Africa...$95 (1 available)

(3) Cypraea annettae Dall. 1909....41 to 42 mm. F++. Large lovely examples...West Mexico...$8 (3 available)

(9) Cypraea annettae Dall, 1909....30 to 33 mm. F++. I wonder if there is a C. frankiavaloni? And if you get that, you’re probably older than you let on!...West Mexico...$6 (9 available)

(1) Cypraea annulus Linne, 1758....28 mm. F+. Freak callus on the anterior end gives a "fishtail" effect...Tanzania...$7 (1 available)

(1) Cypraea annulus Linne, 1758...19 mm. Gem. FREAK! Not really sure how to describe this one: Lorenz reportedly called it a form of melanism, but it is not dark. It has a creamy overcasting, with a light orange stripe down the center, and no ring. DEFINITELY different...Australia...$19 (1 available)

(1set) Cypraea annulus Linne, 1758....17 to 18 mm. F++. Odd & unusual trio of injury freaks, one so deformed it looks like Columbellidae!...Philippines....$15 (1 set available)

(5) Cypraea annulus Linne, 1758....20 to 24 mm. F++. Albino specimens, creamy white with blue-white dorsum and no ring...Philippines...$10 (5 available)

(5) Cypraea annulus Linne, 1758....23-25 mm. F++. Mild-mannered freaks, for mild money - Rostratism on a budget!!...Zanzibar...$7 (5 available)

(1pr) Cypraea annulus Linne, 1758....20 to 24 mm. F++/G. One normal (with blueish dorsum) the other "albino" with orange ring on a cream coloured back...Sri Lanka...$10 (1 pair available)

(3) Cypraea annulus Linne, 1758....14 to 19 mm. F+ high. Distinctly ROSTRATE dwarfs!...Philippines...$35 (3 available)

(1set) Cypraea annulus/moneta freaks....14 to 22 mm. F/F+. 5 piece set-more freaks than the Addams family! Interesting assortment of developmental freak forms...Philippines...$22 (1 set available)

(1) Cypraea arabica Linne, 1758....20 mm. F++. Fascinating truly dwarf specimen, so dark & tiny it looks more like arabicula, but from the other side of the planet...Somalia...$35 (1 available)

(1) Cypraea arabica Linne, 1758....70.5 mm. F++. Nice large specimen of the nominate form...West Australia...$10 (1 available)

(1) Cypraea arabica Linne, 1758....66 mm. F++. Good sized example with strong pattern & dense marginal spots...Queensland...$7 (1 available)

(1) Cypraea arabica Linne, 1758....59 mm. F++. Nice, well developed specimen with heavy, callused base...Queensland...$5 (1 available)

(1) Cypraea arabica Linne, 1758....35 to 37 mm. F++. Cute semi-dwarf specimens...Philippines...$6 (1 available)

(1) Cypraea arabica fm. immanis Schilder & Schilder, 1939....78 mm. F+. Big beautiful example of the East African form, though with mild dorsal scar...Tanzania...$15 (1 available)

(1) Cypraea cf. arabica Linne, 1758....50 mm. F++. NICE Freak! At least 30 degree twist to posterior end. Talk about leftist leanings! Also, has an unusually "open" pattern, similar to scurra...India...$17 (1 available)

(1) Cypraea arabica Linne, 1758....42 mm. F+. STRANGELY melanistic, with chestnut brown dorsum & thick marginal callus so black it almost looks painted on...Philippines...$16 (1 available)

(1) Cypraea arabica Linneus, 1758....41 mm. F+ high. ULTRAFREAK!!!!!! This is one of the strangest cowrie specimens I've ever seen: it almost appears to be tied in a knot!!...India...$100 new price (negotiable) (1 available)

(1) Cypraea arabica fm. immanis Schilder & Schilder, 1939....63 mm. F++. Large, well inflated example of the East African form...Somalia...$10 (1 available)

(1) Cypraea arabicula Lamarck, 1819....27 mm. F++. Great specimen of this dwarf specie with thickly callused base...Panama...$4 (1 available)

(1) Cypraea argus Linne, 1758....78 mm. F+. Sightly beachy but from a "tough" locality...Somalia...$5 (1 available)

(3) Cypraea argus Linne, 1758....76 to 79 mm. F++. Good sized specimens with classic spotted patterns...Philippines...$15 (3 available)

(1) Cypraea armeniaca Verco, 1912....101.7 mm. F++. Big, beautiful, bright orange accented example, nicely inflated and with well extended tips...Australia...$320 (1 available)

(1) Cypraea armeniaca Verco, 1912....108 mm. Gem- Absolutely huge specimen, mottled with pastel orange and flawless but for a small dorsal dent. Only one 1.8 mm. bigger in Rice and it was $1250...Australia...$750 (1 available)

(1) Cypraea armeniaca Verco, 1912....107 mm. Gem. Glorious giant specimen! Huge and immaculate, with big orange dorsal spot and nicely extended tips. Perhaps our best ever!...Australia...$495 (1 available)

(1) Cypraea armeniaca Verco, 1912....101 mm. F+ high. BIG, spectacular, fully developed specimen, the only flaw is a tiny chip from the anterior lip tip...Australia...$295 (1 available)

(1) Cypraea armeniaca Verco, 1912....78 mm. F++. Glorious, well inflated, smaller yet fully adult example, with dorsal tan blotches & brown spots & orange basal callus...Australia...$155 (1 available)

(1) Cypraea armeniaca fm. westralica Raybaudi, 1980....90 mm. Gem-. The brown speckled colour form with rich apricot orange base. Just a few tiny dimples on the base. Could even be form brunnea Raybaudi 1993...Australia...$295 (1 available)